The World Crafts Council AISBL (WCC AISBL) is proud to announce the result of the WCC-Award of Excellence for Handicrafts (WCC-AoE) 2024 in the WCC-Asia Pacific Region. Among 160 entries spanning six sub-regions in Asia Pacific Region, 87 submissions have received this prestigious award.
The WCC-Award of Excellence for Handicrafts aims to celebrate artisans who innovate within traditional craft forms, ensuring their sustainability and global competitiveness. Submissions included a diverse array of handicrafts such as textiles, ceramics, wood carvings, metalwork, and more.
From May 3 to 5, 2024, Bukhara, Uzbekistan hosted an event dedicated to evaluating these submissions, coinciding with the Second International Festival of Gold Embroidery and Jewelry.
The international jury, comprising WCC-Asia Pacific Region Board Members and Advisors, meticulously assessed submissions based on excellence, authenticity, innovation, and marketability.
Certificates will be awarded to the artisans in the month of August, promoting awardees through WCC AISBL networks and beyond, affirming the quality and authenticity of their crafts.
For more information, please read the Press Statement
And visit the WCC-AoE webpage [].