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The Indian Ocean Craft Triennial - Australia

IOTA24: Codes in Parallel – 1 August to 30 October 2024

In 2024 the 2nd Indian Ocean Craft Triennial investigates the multi-various languages codified in contemporary craft. Visit the major international exhibition at six galleries featuring 35 artists from 6 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, India, South Africa, Australia and Iran. Enjoy a further 70 more exhibitions and events across Western Australia.


37 presenters delivering papers by 59 authors from 9 countries will come together in Perth Western Australia over 4 days to share a deep dive into the world of contemporary and traditional craft as guests of the Indian Ocean Craft Triennial.  

The program includes guided visits to IOTA24 exhibitions with curator and artist talks; participatory making workshops and Pecha Kucha sessions with international and Australian artists and arts organisations providing a short insight into practice and process.


Dr. Aleksa Bijelovic, Mr. Anil Chitraker, Dr Anne Farren, Mr Asim Waqif, Prof. Andreas Sicklinger, Dr. Annette Nykiel, Ms Anvita Jain, Dr. Bic Tieu, Ms Bridgit Moran, Ms. Caroline Cumberbatch, Ms Catriona Maddocks, Dr. Cecilia Heffer, Ms Celine Vogt, Ms. Christine Gerriette Henriette Toelle, Ms. Colleen Drage, Dr. Deborah Emmett, Mr. Fauzy Prasetya Kamal, Mr. Fitorio Leksono, Ms. Gunjan Jain, Dr. Helen Bodycomb, Dr. Inge Panneels, Mr Irfan Hendrian, Mr Ishan Khosla, Mrs. Joanna Quake, Dr. Joy Denise Scott, Dr. Katharina Greven, Mr Khajornsak Nakpan, Dr. Kevin Murray,  Ms. Lalita Waldia, Mrs. Laura-Jane Atkinson, Auntie Lee-Anne Clarke, Ms. Lorela Mehmeti, Mr. Madoda Fani, Dr. Marian Hosking, Ms. Marina Baker, Ms. Mauretta Drage, Dr. Matthew Harkness, Ms. Molly Ryan, Mr. Muhammad Umer Rehman, Dr. Niklavs Rubenis, Emeritus Professor Richard Read, Dr. Robert Phillips, Mr Rohin Nicol, Ms Roopa Mehta, Ms. Sarah Böllinger, Ms. Sarah Hutt, Mr. Saurav Dhakal, Ms Simona Colitti, Sonia Luhong Wan, Dr Supavee Srinkaporn, Professor Susan Luckman, Ms. Susie Vickery, Mrs. Tineke Van der Eecken, Assoc. Prof. Tod Jones,  Ms. Uthra Rajgopal Ms. Wafa Ali, Mr. Warrick Palmateer, Ms. Wen Di Sia.

Attend their conference Valuing Craft 3-6th September; share your experiences and hear artists, artisans, academics and researchers share their knowledge.


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