World Crafts Council AISBL
Disaster Relief and Preparation

Dil Krishna Prajapati with the new kilns in Bhaktapur, Nepal, funded by World Crafts Council - Australia after the April 2014 Kathmandu earthquake (link)
Resources to assist artisans to prepare for and recover from natural disasters
In representing the interests of artisans globally, WCC-AISBL seeks to help them prepare and recover from the threats posed by disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires and drought. This information sheet is the beginning of this process. We plan in the future to develop workshops and resource kits for this purpose.
Craftspersons across the world are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters, including earthquakes, fires, floods, storms and epidemics. These tragedies are only likely to increase with the warming climate. There are many distressing stories of craftspersons whose livelihoods have been lost due to these disasters. In the past, members have been very generous in raising funds to assist recovery. However, a more strategic approach is necessary given the increase in the scale of the problem.
According to the bylaws of the World Crafts Council, the International body is charged with providing craftspersons with "advice, information and moral support in their activities and their development."
Accordingly, the WCC Sub-Committee to Help Artisans Cope with Natural Disasters has been established to develop a strategy for the preparation and recovery from catastrophic natural events. We hope to provide resources, based on the experience and learning that has been gathered over our history of coping with such challenges. These resources will include online advice, workshops, networks, and consultations with international agencies.
WCC Sub-Committee to Help Artisans Cope with Natural Disasters
Saad al-Qaddumi - Chair
Kevin Murray - Co-Chair & Head Administrator
Ali Saleh Alnajadah, Ashoke Chatterjee, Ruby Lopez Harper, Somesh Singh, Yueqi Sun and others
Links to international bodies that can offer assistance in disaster relief
Green Climate Fund
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the world's largest dedicated climate fund. It supports developing countries in reducing their emissions and adapting to climate change.
International Climate Initiative (IKI)
The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is a German initiative that funds climate and biodiversity projects around the world.
IKI supports both large-scale projects and smaller initiatives through differentiated funding lines, such as thematic and country-specific selection procedures, Medium Grants, and Small Grants
UK International Climate Finance (ICF)
The UK International Climate Finance (ICF) provides information on the UK's contributions to international climate finance efforts. The UK has committed £11.6 billion to ICF between financial years 2021/22 to 2025/26
Climate Funds Update
Climate Funds Update is an independent website that tracks various climate finance initiatives
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) - France
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD), also known as the French Development Agency, is a public financial institution that works to fight poverty and promote sustainable development. May finance projects that strengthen the resilience of artisan livelihoods and cultural heritage in the face of climate change.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Building resilient infrastructure, like climate-resistant housing and roads, to withstand extreme weather events.
Providing technical assistance and capacity building to help partner countries integrate climate resilience into their national development plans and policies
GEF Special Climate Change Fund (SSCF)
The SCCF also promotes the transfer of climate-friendly technologies and helps developing countries build their capacity to address climate change.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Provides grants and technical assistance for community-based adaptation projects, including livelihood diversification and disaster risk reduction strategies.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Promotes the integration of cultural heritage considerations into disaster risk management plans, safeguarding traditional skills and knowledge.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Supports climate-resilient agricultural practices and livelihoods for artisans dependent on natural resources.
The Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Offers dedicated funds, like the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), for adaptation projects in vulnerable communities, including those focused on traditional crafts.
ADB Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund (APDRF)
Life-saving purposes: Grant money helps cover critical expenses to restore essential services like clean water, sanitation, shelter, and healthcare after a disaster strikes.
Early recovery: The funds can be used for initial recovery efforts like debris removal and temporary repairs to infrastructure.
United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) primarily focuses on supporting refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), stateless people, and returnees around the world. Their funding supports a wide range of activities, including:
Protection: This includes ensuring the safety and well-being of refugees and displaced persons. UNHCR advocates for their rights and works to prevent violence and human rights abuses.
Emergency Assistance: UNHCR provides life-saving aid in the immediate aftermath of a crisis, such as food, water, shelter, and medical care.
Shelter and Settlements: This involves providing safe and decent housing solutions for displaced populations, including camps, temporary shelters, and durable housing options.
Livelihoods: UNHCR helps refugees and IDPs become self-sufficient by providing income-generating opportunities and vocational training.
Model programs that help with preparation and recovery from disaster
CERF - Craft Emergency Relief Fund supports artisans in the USA, including Puerto Rico, in better preparing and recovering from disasters such as tropical hurricanes.
Previous support
Nepal Earthquake - During the Presidency term of Late Dr. Ghada Hijjawi Qaddumi, World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region, donated USD 5000 to support artisans affected by the 2015 earthquake.
Indonesia Tsunami - During the Presidency term of Late Dr. Ghada Hijjawi Qaddumi, World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region, donated USD 5000 to the tsunami-affected artisans in 2018, along with a personal contribution of USD 1500.
Australia Bushfire - During the Presidency term of Late Dr. Ghada Hijjawi Qaddumi, World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region, contributed USD 5000 to assist artisans impacted by the 2019 bushfire.
Uzbekistan Flood - During the Presidency term of Late Dr. Ghada Hijjawi Qaddumi, World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region, donated USD 5000 to the artisans in Bukhara, Navoi, and Sirdarya, affected by the flood/dam break in 2020.